WIN offers gift options

For your convenience, you may make your membership gift via:

  • credit card;
  • check made out to the UNF Charitable Gift Fund with a memo note: WIN;
  • payroll deduction if you are employed by the University of Nebraska or the University of Nebraska Foundation; or     
  • stock or other investment transfer.

Membership reminders are mailed to members in the month they joined or last renewed. For example, if a membership was processed in March 2019, the member will receive a reminder to renew in March 2020. All members have until June 30, 2020, to make their membership gift supporting the 2019–2020 grants to be eligible to vote on grant recipients.

Contact Ellie Clinch at 402-502-4922 or [email protected] or Lori Shriner at 402-458-1209 or [email protected] for the information on stock gifts.