Sample LOI

Your LOI

In your two-page letter, please include:

  • Project name
  • Organization/division name
  • Primary contact name, email and phone
  • Secondary contact name, email and phone
  • Critical need being addressed
  • Project description
  • Population served by project
  • Project category (arts/culture, education/environment, health/human services, civic/community)
  • Organization information required
  • Estimated project budget

Organziaton Information

ForĀ  Nonprofits

  • Name
  • Year Incorporated
  • Federal tax ID
  • 501(c )3 public charity designation
  • Website address
  • Mission
  • Annual Budget
  • List of collaborating groups
  • List of key project leaders
  • List of board of directors

For Universities

  • Primary Applicant
  • University Campus
  • College, Department
  • Website Address
  • Project Collaborators
  • List of Key Project Leaders

View a sample LOI

LOI Tips

Be as clear and focuses as possible about how your organization and project would best use a grant of $60,000 to $100,000 to positively impact Nebraska.

Projects involving collaborative approaches to problem solving are encouraged and should originate with the organization serving as lead fiscal agent for management and utilization of the funds.

Past grant recipients may submit new LOIs after their grant period and all reporting is completed, and will be evaluated with the same criteria for innovation and bold problem-solving as other grant seekers,